Submissions and correspondence to the Tasmanian Government

Tasmanian Government

To improve regulatory efficiency and practical policy settings for private forestry, PFT provides written submissions and input into a range of government inquiries, reviews and proposals.

Listed below are the recent submissions made by PFT to the Tasmanian Government on a range of inquiries, reviews and proposals.

Fire and Emergency Services

Private Forests Tasmania's feedback on draft Tasmanian Fire and Emergency Services Bill.

Climate Change Legislation and Policy

Private Forests Tasmania's feedback on draft bill to amend the Climate Change Act and input into the draft Climate Change Action Plan and review of the Tasmanian Climate Change State Action Act.

Bioenergy Vision

Private Forests Tasmania's input into the draft Bioenergy Vision for Tasmania.

Deer Management Plan

Private Forests Tasmania's input into the Deer Management Plan.

Rural Water Use Strategy

Private Forests Tasmania's feedback on the draft Rural Water Use Strategy.

Aboriginal Heritage Act

Private Forests Tasmania's input into the review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act.

Threatened Species Strategy

Private Forests Tasmania's input into to the development of a new Threatened Species Strategy.