Submissions and correspondence to the Australian Government

Australian Government

To improve regulatory efficiency and practical policy settings for private forestry, PFT provides written submissions and input into a range of government inquiries, reviews and proposals.

Listed below are the recent submissions made by PFT to the Australian Government on a range of inquiries, reviews and proposals.

Integrated Farm and Land Management Methodology

Private Forests Tasmania's submissions on the Integrated Farm and Land Management Method.

Reforestation by Environmental or Mallee Plantings Methodology

Private Forests Tasmania's feedback on proposal to remake the Reforestation by Environmental or Mallee Plantings (REMP) method under the Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme.

Renewable Energy Target

Private Forests Tasmania's input to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) consultation on Native Forest Biomass in the Renewable Energy Target.

Climate Active

Private Forests Tasmania's input into the draft guidelines accounting for Carbon Sequestration from tree plantings.

Farm Forestry Strategy

Private Forests Tasmania's responses to the Department of Agriculture, Water & the Environment (DAWE) National Farm Forestry Strategy.

Infrastructure Priorities

Private Forests Tasmania's letter to the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government on priority infrastructure projects.

On Farm Connectivity

Private Forests Tasmania's input to the On Farm Connectivity Program.

Illegal Logging Laws

Private Forests Tasmania's response to Department of Agriculture, Water & the Environment (DAWE) Illegal Logging Laws Review.

Nature Repair Market Bill

Private Forests Tasmania's response to Nature Repair Market Bill 2023 Exposure draft.

Agriculture and Land Sectoral Plan

Private Forests Tasmania's input into the development of the Agriculture and Land Sectoral Plan, part of the Australian Government’s broader Net Zero Plan.