The process of selling your timber can involve a number of methods.
The process of selling your timber can involve a number of methods, the most common action for forest owners in Tasmania is by negotiating simultaneously with a number of potential buyers either directly, or via a broker/advisor, to arrive at the best price for the seller.
Your wood can be sold as standing or felled timber.
Please see 'How to sell wood from your private forests' for additional information.
In general, timber processors value logs that have uniform characteristics. The amount paid to the forest owner is known as the stumpage. Stumpage excludes the costs for planning, harvesting and carting the forest products to a processing plant.
Please see 'What are my trees worth?' for additional information.
Consulting Foresters can provide critical technical assistance in all phases of forest management.
Please see 'Why do I need a consulting Forester and how do I choose?' for additional information.