State of the Forests Report 2022 released

State of the Forests Report 2022 released

Posted 18 April 2023

Economic benefits and markets PFT

​The Tasmanian Government has released the State of the Forests Report 2022. Undertaken by the independent Forest Practices Authority, the Report represents a comprehensive overview of Tasmania’s forests over the past five years.
It was submitted by the Forest Practices Authority in cooperation and consultation with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania, Sustainable Timber Tasmania, the Department of State Growth, Private Forests Tasmania and the Australian Government Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry.

The report covers the period 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2021 and follows the format previously agreed with the Australian Government for reporting on sustainability indicators under the Montreal Process and for the five yearly reviews of the Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement Commonwealth of Australia (2017).
The report states that Tasmania maintains an extensive native forest estate of over three million hectares, and that 59 per cent of Tasmania's native forests, 99 per cent of its high-quality wilderness and 88 per cent of old growth forests are protected in the reserve network. It also states that​ 75 per cent of timber is now sourced from plantation.

Industry activity increased over the reporting period, including a significant rise in the value of sawn timber to the domestic housing and construction market.

As well as commercial timber harvesting, Tasmania’s forests continue to be maintained for multiple uses, including tourism, beekeeping and access to cultural heritage. ​​​​