Private Forests Tasmania welcomes agriforester Molly Marshall

Private Forests Tasmania welcomes agriforester Molly Marshall

Posted 19 October 2020

Managing trees On-farm benefits Economic benefits and markets Carbon benefits Native regrowth forest management PFT

Molly Marshall has recently accepted an appointment to the role of agriforester within Private Forests Tasmania.

This role will see Molly assisting PFT in delivering its new strategic plan, particularly its goals to work creatively with stakeholders to expand private forestry and to communicate the benefits of wood.

Molly will be engaging and working with rural landowners, industrial and non-industrial forest growers and managers, as well as service providers and investors to assist them in accessing relevant information regarding private forestry.

This will also involve Molly engaging with stakeholders through social media platforms to help demonstrate the benefits of planting trees in the right place.

Molly comes from a rural background growing up in a small country town in New South Wales, coming from a strong family history of farming and having recently completed a Bachelor Sustainability, majoring in Environmental Resilience, from the University of New England in New South Wales.

She has previously worked within a family Tree Planting business and the Agricultural sector and since moving to Tasmania in 2018, a large North West beef enterprise.

Molly works within our Burnie office, and is looking forward to promoting the array of benefits of commercial trees on private land.