PFT's 2022-23 Annual Report now available

PFT's 2022-23 Annual Report now available

Posted 23 October 2023


Private Forests Tasmania is pleased to present its 2022-23 Annual Report, tabled in Parliament on October 19 by Minister for Resources, Felix Ellis.

PFT remained focused on its four strategic goals and six priority projects as identified in our Corporate Plan 2022-2025, with short, medium and longer-term wood supply strategies, communications and engagement plans, information tools and legislative and regulatory reform remaining our major focus.

The team has continued to remain proactive in working with State and Commonwealth government policy makers and regulators to improve regulatory efficiency and practical policy settings for private forestry. This is done through developing a package of proposed legislative amendments to modernise and improve efficiency and fairness of private forestry regulations whilst reducing red tape.

Major projects such as the Landscape-Scale Agroforestry Program, Tree Alliance, Wood Supply Co-Investment Program, native forests communications project and plantation hardwood thinning trials have delivered expected outcomes, and our Trees Grow Resilience project is scheduled to be completed mid-2024.

Private Forests Tasmania has continued to build its capacity through formal and informal partnerships and collaborations with a range of organisations covering research, education, natural resource management, forest management and supply chain logistics, industrial and non-industrial forest growers, landowners, agricultural businesses and food processors.

Private Forests Tasmania looks forward to continuing to deliver on our statutory objectives and assisting the sector in expanding and developing the private forest resource in Tasmania in the 2023-24 financial year and beyond.