News Forest Foresight - Collaborative Forest Intelligence 01 November 2023 Project Forest Foresight: Enhancing Tasmania's Fire & Forest Management through collaborative technology insights.
News "Forestry is at an inflection point": Meet PFT's new CEO 01 November 2023 Article by Tasmanian Forests and Forest Products Network. Dr Elizabeth Pietrzykowski is most at peace when she’s out in the bush or close to nature. Private Forests Tasmania’s new Chief Executive grew up in Claremont with her parents and older…
News Access to Carbon Forestry Projects now expanded Tasmania-wide 26 October 2023 A carbon-forestry initiative in the north of state has now expanded Tasmania-wide. Branded ActivAcre, the program offers farmers and landowners an opportunity to earn a reliable, consistent income by leasing land for tree plantations and future…
News PFT's 2022-23 Annual Report now available 23 October 2023 Private Forests Tasmania is pleased to present its 2022-23 Annual Report, tabled in Parliament on October 19 by Minister for Resources, Felix Ellis.
News Former PFT CEO receives Forestry Australia fellow honour 17 October 2023 The largest ever cohort of forestry experts have been awarded prestigious Forestry Australia Fellow status at a special ceremony at the 2023 ANZIF Conference on the Gold Coast honouring exceptional individuals who have made an indelible contribution…
News New semi-automated survivability count method 17 October 2023 PFT trial Esk Spatial's new semi-automated survivability count method testing technology capabilities against more manual survivability count methods.
News FREE practical bushfire management for farmers and rural landholders 27 September 2023 The Red Hot Tips program educates, engages and supports farmers and landholders in rural Tasmania to actively manage their bushfire risk; encouraging collaborative vegetation fire management and ecological sustainability across the landscape.
News Plantation Insurance for small-scale forest growers 27 September 2023 Many small-scale forest growers have experienced difficulty in securing insurance cover for their plantations. After two-years, Forestry Australia, along with PSC Insurance Brokers and the Forest Growers Committee announce the availability of a new…
News Education and hands-on training at Hagley Farm School 26 September 2023 Genuine education and hands-on training came together at Hagley at the end of Term 3 when Hagley Farm School Ag Learning Centre collaborated with Private Forests Tasmania and Forest Education Foundation to conduct the first Introductory Training…
News Fire Prevention at Forest Operations Procedures updated with bushfire season commencing October 1. 25 September 2023 The Tasmanian Forest Industry Fire Management Committee (FIFMC) have endorsed changes to the Fire Prevention at Forest Operations procedures and equipment audit form for the upcoming 2023 fire season which commences October 1.
News Sarah and Tom Clark are planting trees and improving their farmland to benefit future generations 27 August 2023 Sarah and Tom Clark own and operate two farms, one in Ellendale and their larger farm, The Back Run, in Westerway. Living in Westerway with their young family, the Clarkes farms are home to sheep, cattle and brassica seed crops. Having already seen…
News Active forest management to address timber shortage and climate change 16 August 2023 Tasmania's private foresters are at the forefront of combating climate change and alleviating Australia's construction timber scarcity through proactive private native regrowth forest management.
News New CEO appointed to Private Forests Tasmania 07 August 2023 Minister Felix Ellis welcomed the appointment of Dr Elizabeth Pietrzykowski as the new CEO of Private Forests Tasmania following the retirement of Penny Wells after five years in the role.
News Winton Farm set to enjoy the environmental benefits of trees 19 July 2023 John Taylor is a seventh-generation farmer living on Winton Estate, a 3,3000-ha farm just 15km North West of Campbell Town. John returned from Agriculture College at the end of 2000 to live and work on the Taylor family farm which has been owned and…
News Planting trees to maximise functionality, productivity and future prosperity on Kenilworth Farm, Campbell Town 19 July 2023 David Taylor lives on Kenilworth farm located just northwest of Campbell Town with his wife, Jo, and their three young children. Kenilworth has been in the extended Taylor family since 1823. Originally owned and operated by David’s cousin’s family,…
News The benefits of planting trees at Chester Farm, Westwood 19 July 2023 Biosecurity, increased lambing percentages, and a decrease in water evaporation are just some of the noticeable benefits of planting trees on Chester Farm.