Embracing Opportunities in Tasmania's Forests: Meet PFT’s new Operations Manager
Posted 05 June 2024
Forestry has been in Jarrod Burn’s blood since he was a child working alongside his father on a forest harvesting operation.
"I’m a fifth-generation timber industry worker," he said.
Growing up on a family farm in the Liffey Valley, which included managed native forests, Jarrod was picking seeds for helicopter at the age of nine.
His career has since taken him back to that helicopter for work.
"I’ve been involved in the full cycle of forestry, including planning the harvesting of native forests that my dad felled about 20 years ago," he said.
With more than 20 years of forestry experience, Jarrod is stepping into a new role at Private Forests Tasmania (PFT) with enthusiasm and a clear vision for the future.
Jarrod sees significant opportunities within private forestry in Tasmania, particularly in mitigating climate change through active native forest management.
"Sustainable practices can enhance carbon sequestration and contribute to global climate goals,” he said.
He also discussed the importance of changing perceptions about the value of trees in agricultural settings, a challenge lingering from the Managed Investment Scheme (MIS) days.
Jarrod believes private forestry can play a crucial role in reducing the national trade deficit in wood products and strengthening Tasmania's economic resilience.
"Private forestry is at the forefront of promoting the management of a resource that can bolster our economy," he said.
Jarrod’s journey in forestry has been extensive. After completing a technical traineeship, he spent several years in the private sector before returning to Forestry Tasmania (now Sustainable Timber Tasmania)
His tenure as a planning coordinator at STT included completing an MBA, which helped to broaden his strategic thinking around forest management and promoting the sustainability and value of forests beyond just production.
"Private forestry is incredibly broad, covering everything from environmental and remedial works to large-scale industrial plantation management," he said.
“The private estate in Tasmania has the most potential to expand and actively manage forests, addressing some of the most pressing challenges of the 21st century. By leveraging this potential, we can ensure our forests continue to provide ecological, economic, and social benefits for generations to come," he said.
Jarrod’s vision for Private Forests Tasmania is clear: embrace sustainable practices, shift perceptions, and promote the economic value of well-managed forests.
Jarrod and the Operations Team can be contacted on admin@pft.tas.gov.au or call 1300 661 009
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