Managing your private native regrowth forests

A suite of materials assisting active management of your private native regrowth forest resource

Managing your private native regrowth forests

Tasmania’s extensive native regrowth forests have a long history of active management for timber production. In a timber constrained economy, Tasmania’s private native regrowth forests can be actively managed to contribute significantly to Australia’s shortage of construction quality wood. With our changing climate and an expanding bioeconomy, well planned management can also boost the health and resilience of these forests, while generating income, sequestering carbon and delivering other ecosystem benefits such as healthy wildlife habitat.

The private native regrowth forest management communication materials included in this series are designed to assist forest owners to successfully plan and carry out active management for beneficial outcomes. It includes videos which showcase successful management of private native regrowth forests, fact sheets on relevant topics, a detailed guide to native regrowth forest operations and case studies demonstrating how active management techniques are being applied to achieve various land management and financial objectives in five private native regrowth forests.

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Case Studies

Private native regrowth forestry case studies have been developed for five properties in a range of locations across northern and south-east Tasmania. The five properties represent different forest types and species, as well as site quality. They also showcase a full range of potential market options and supply chain challenges. Importantly, the primary forest management objectives for each of the five properties, which provides you, as a landowner, with a range of scenarios to compare with your own situation.

Fact sheets

Fact sheets

Active management of native regrowth forests for commercial production through silvicultural treatments such as thinning and selective harvesting can improve forest health and productivity, increase carbon sequestration and generate income.

This series of fact sheets provides an introduction to some important aspects of private native regrowth forest management. The fact sheets look at some of the ways active commercial forest management can benefit private native regrowth forest owners and their forests, while contributing to broader benefits for all Tasmanians.

Case Studies

A guide to native regrowth forest operations

Commercial forest management is a complex business and native regrowth forests can be particularly complex. This guide has been developed to equip private native regrowth forest owners with practical tools and strategies to optimise management of their forest for delivering improved forest health outcomes, ecosystem services, carbon accumulation and storage and timber revenue. It aims to provide users with a guide to the important processes and decision points involved with native regrowth forest management on private land in Tasmania.

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Native regrowth forest Videos

A suite of videos designed to assist with the active management of private regrowth native forests. Hear from farm and private forestry stalwart, Ian Dickenson and private native regrowth forestry practitioner, John Lord on management strategies such as regrowth thinning and climate change.

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Managing your private native regrowth forests with a private timber reserve (PTR)

Private timber reserves provide landowners with long-term security so they can continue to manage their native regrowth forests.

Benefits of having a private timber reserve over native forests include:

  • Local government planning approval is not required making the planning process simpler.
  • Land is eligible for primary production land classification which means no land tax is payable.
  • Other compatible activities can still be undertaken on a PTR.

If a PTR is present, the only additional approvals that are required to undertake forest practices is a certified forest practices plan (FPP).

Establishing a PTR is a once off activity that takes around six months to approve. Once in place, a PTR enables active forest management regardless of any future changes to local government planning requirements.

Forestry is a long-term activity and my Private Timber Reserves give me greater security to be able to conduct forest operations in the future, particularly if Council zoning changes. The PTRs also help to reduce costs as planning is simplified and development applications are not required. Overall, PTRs have helped me to efficiently manage my properties”.

Mark Cornelius: private native forest owner

More about Private Timber Reserves

Phone our free helpline on 1300 661 009 to speak with a Private Forester or email us at