Forest Practices Plans

Both public and private entities are required to complete a Forest Practices Plan and abide by state regulations if you are conducting any type of forestry practice in Tasmania.

The Forest Practices Authority administers Forest Practices Plans (FPPs) within Tasmania.

Forest Practices Plans must be in accordance with the Forest Practices Code, which provides guidelines and standards designed to ensure reasonable protection of the natural and cultural values of the forest when forest practices are undertaken.

To help make management decisions about the management of private tree farms the Forest Practices Authority has put together some information that guides landholders and applicants through the forest practice plan process.

Forest practices include:

  • harvesting and regenerating native forest
  • harvesting and/or establishing plantations
  • clearing forests for other purposes
  • clearing and conversion of threatened native vegetation
  • constructing roads and quarries for the above purposes
  • harvesting tree ferns.

A Forest Practices Plan is a legal requirement under the Forest Practices Act 1985 if you intend to carry out forest practices, apart from the exceptions detailed in the Forest Practices Regulations 2007.

The Forest Practices Authority

The FPA manages the Tasmanian forest practices system on both public and private land based on the Forest Practices Act 1985.


The Forest Practices Code Tasmania

Provides a set of standards to protect environmental values during forest operations. It does not apply utilisation standards.

The Code

Information for landholders

Information to help you understand your responsibility about forest practices and threatened native vegetation communities.

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Land clearing controls in Tasmania

Controls for clearning, removing, destroying woody plants and seedlings with potential to grow to a height over 5 metres.

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Permanent Native Forest Estate Policy

The Tasmanian Governments policy for maintaining a permanent and sustainably managed native forest estate for Tasmania.

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A guide to forestry planning approvals

Factual regulatory and planning information for planners, foresters, landowners and interested members of the community.

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