AGFEST 2024: Forest Industries Site

May 2, 2024 7:30am

Private Forests Tasmania are joining the TFFPN's Forest Industries Site at Agfest 2024 to talk all things forestry with you.

The TFFPN's Agfest Forest Industries Site will be located on Sixth Avenue and will host a number of onsite events over the three days from 2 - 4 May 2024.

Public events will be held by site sharers which are designed to be informative and to celebrate the work of the forest sector.

Site sharers include:

- Private Forests Tasmania (PFT)

- Tasmanian Forests & Forest Products Network (TFFPN)

- Workforce and Diversity Project

- Pentarch Forestry

- University of Tasmania (UTas)

- Forest Practices Authority (FPA)

- Forest Education Foundation (FEF)

- Forico

- Sustainable Timber Tasmania (STT)

- Indicium Dynamics

- Australian Forest and Wood Innovations (AFWI)

- SFM Forest Products

- ActivAcre

- Timberlink

- Reliance Forest Fibre

- Rural Alive and Well

More information coming soon.

More Information

AGFEST 2024:  Forest Industries Site

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