Board of Directors

Oversee the strategic direction and functions of the authority

Board of Directors

Private Forests Tasmania's Board of Directors are appointed by the Minister for Resources for their practical knowledge, industry, commercial and technical expertise in forestry.

The Board oversees the strategic direction, and a staff of permanent and fixed-term officers undertake the functions of the authority.

Mr Jim Wilson - Chair of Private Forests Tasmania

Member representing industrial private forest growers. Jim was appointed on August 1, 2021, for a period of three years. He was appointed Chair on January 25, 2024.

Jim is the General Manager – Enterprise Performance at Forico Pty Limited, Tasmania’s largest private forest management company.

Jim is recognised as an industry leader during the establishment of institutional investment in Tasmania’s forests and has been instrumental in building new linkages between the forest and agricultural sector.

In addition to Jim’s role as a Director of Private Forests Tasmania, he is a Director and Vice President of Forestry Australia, and Director of the Tasmanian Agricultural Productivity Group. Jim has a strong interest in collaboration and was most recently the Conference Convenor for the National Conference of Forestry Australia, hosted in Launceston during 2021.

Jim Wilson

Dr Joanna Jones - B.Ag Sc (Hons), PhD (Horticulutre Science)

Member with practical knowledge of and experience in industry, commerce or economic development. Joanna was appointed on June 27, 2022, for a period of three years.

Jo is a senior consultant with Pinion Advisory and an adjunct senior researcher with the University of Tasmania.

Jo has extensive farm-focused agricultural research, development, extension, and communication skills. She is an experienced project manager and has decade-long board experience.

She co-owns and manages Fidelity Peonies and, with her husband, runs a family-owned dairy farm in the Derwent Valley.

Jo is passionate about innovation across the agricultural sector and building resilience in rural communities.

Dr Joanna Jones Private Forests Tasmania's Board of Directors 2022

Mr Robert (Rob) O'Connor

Member representing non-industrial private forest growers. Rob was appointed on June 14, 2023, for a term of three years.

Rob is a multi-generational farmer from the Fingal Valley owning and managing a 19,500ha mixed farming business including beef, sheep, wool, cropping and forestry.

Rob is a member of the Forest Practices Advisory Council, the Tasmanian Farmers & Graziers Cereals & Seeds Association, a committee member of the State Fire Management Councils Machinery Operations working in dry combustibles committee, Red Hot Tips committee member and volunteer fire fighter with the Tasmanian Fire Service, Avoca.

Managing around 10,000ha of private forestry on his Benham property, Rob has a long history in private forest management and is well equipped to represent non-industrial private forest growers in Tasmania.

Rob O Connor

Ms Alice Herbon

Member representing non-industrial private forest growers. Alice was re-appointed on January 16, 2021, for a further term of three years and was extended for a further 12 months on January 16, 2024.

Alice is General Counsel of SFM Environmental Solutions and has a strong interest in agribusiness as well as maintaining an active role in the management of a private forestry company with plantations in the North-East.

Alice has assisted landowners on legal and strategic issues involving the collapse of forestry MIS schemes, negotiations in the forestry sector with property access arrangements and the drafting of documents for the sale and purchase of agricultural operations, produce, harvest, supply and management agreements.

With a long family history in agriculture and a natural understanding of the sector, Alice has been able to develop and maintain longstanding relationships with a number of stakeholders by assisting growers with a broad range of legal issues.

Alice Herbon Private Forests Tasmania Board of Directors 2022

Mr Bob Rutherford

Member with expertise in forest or related sciences. Bob was appointed January 3, 2024, for a term of three years.

Bob is a professional economist with particular expertise in the science of forestry economics and has been involved in public policy and commercial matters associated with the forestry industry for over 30 years, both as an academic and as a senior public servant. He is well acquainted with a wide range of technical issues associated with forestry in all parts of the value chain.

He has had a long involvement with PFT and brings a strong background in its history, strategies, and development.

Bob Rutherford

Dr Elizabeth Pietrzykowski (PhD.BSc.Hons. UTas) - Chief Executive Officer

Elizabeth was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Private Forests Tasmania in September 2023 for a five-year term.

Elizabeth has 20-years' experience in the tertiary (research/academic), forestry, agriculture, agroforestry, landscape restoration mining, oil and gas sectors.

Formerly Greening Australia State Operations Lead, Elizabeth is skilled in all facets of business management including stakeholder engagement, policy advice, strategic planning and project management.

A former Environmental Scientist, Elizabeth has provided specialty forestry solutions to the private and public forestry sector including private landowner estate management, forest practice planning, forest health diagnosis, biodiversity assessment, and regeneration and restoration plans for forest carbon accounting.

A self-motived leader with a passion for the environment, the agricultural and agroforestry sectors, Elizabeth is devoted to ensuring a sustainable future forest resource for all Tasmanians.

Elizabeth Pietrzykowski